Sunday, October 12, 2008

Sunday Morning

Hap thought of doing something this morning, having 'wakened early enough to sluggishly crawl out of bed and struggle with the coffee jar lid. He then took on his usual routine of staring that irritating stain on the wall, coffee mug in hand and a lit cigarette perched on his lips.

It was too early in the morning, way too early for a sunday. It either means something
significant is going to happen in the next few hours, or Hap would crawl right back into bed and wake up the next day. Well, after five more cigarettes and two cold cups of coffee later, Hap found himself staring at a brightly lit computer screen and began typing away at this particular piece of self indulgent prose. It was going to be a long day ahead.

Hmm... probably best that Hap start from how he began to make the page. Truth is, Hap
doesn't have a clue on how to set up a blog site. After a few attempts in the months past
where he would manage to forget his password, he finally acknowledged the fact that he is an absolute dolt when it comes to setting up email accounts and blog sites. So he did the best thing that he could think of through the heavy mist of cigarette smoke and enlisted the help of an expert, his friend Ethel who really had nothing better to do than read astrological mumbo jumbo online.

Now Ethel understood his utter frustration and set up the email account and blog site for
him. Of course, the whole process involved massive amounts of heckling, name calling and sarcasm over yahoo messenger but it came out quite satisfactorily, Hap thought. Now Hap had something better (?) to do than pick at that weird rash that suddenly appeared on his nape.

So Hap started out on something that he thought made some sense, the topic he thought of was on his impending lessons in golf. He started out with a title, and then got nowhere from there really fast. So wisely, Hap dumped that idea and proceeded to download a piece of software that would enable him to watch avi format videos and movies on his computer, and that does not necessarily mean porn, mind you.

Ahh.. the start of another restless Sunday.

1 comment:

etlyanna said...

"his friend Ethel who really had nothing better to do than read astrological mumbo jumbo online" >>> i know right?!? i'm such a loser!!! feck...