Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Post vacation disorder

Great, I had planned to write the whole time I was vacationing in the Mountain Province and was pretty pleased that I was able to jot down a lot of stuff. However, wrong format. I was using my sister's laptop because it was much lighter than my own. It's installed with Office 2007, mine's with the 2003 version. So you can pretty much guess that everything I wrote is a bunch of garbled text and symbols. Rats. Well, considering that it's pretty easy for me to simply upload it back to a 2007 version and then save it as an older one, that isn't really a problem. Laziness, however has me strapped back to the couch glaring at the idiot box. So you have this entry instead.


I'm going back to Cebu tomorrow for a little rendezvous with some people for work. I had originally planned to at last get some time on the beach during the weekend of the trip but decided against it as I'm a little short on cash at the moment no thanks to several purchases that I have made and travel expenses for my little pocket vacations. So again, I will be leaving Cebu too early on a Saturday without even making it past the city limits.


I've a new hangout along the SLEX. I used to hang out and do some work at the Starbucks at Caltex, the one northbound. Trouble is that it isn't open 24 hours which puts a little pressure on me to finish early, aside from the fact that there is no free Wi-Fi which kinda makes it inconvenient when I need to upload stuff. I've also tried the Shell station which is closer to the office but it's basically the same thing. Now, I hang out at the Total station which is a bit further south and further away. It's more convenient for me work-wise and also has free albeit intermittent Wi-Fi coverage. Plus the coffee's cheaper too.

Of course the downside is that I can relax more and so work also gets relaxed. I usually finish at Caltex at around 9 or 10pm, here (yes, I'm here right now) I finish just before midnight. Well, at least I'm not that stressed out which I am recently learning is a very big deal. And there are a lot less tourists who make their rest stops here so there are fewer distractions and noise.


I've stopped eating carbs again. Yes, it's again a whole new world of chicken for me. A bit more time, I guess and you'll see me sprouting wings and feathers. For some time, I've been able to maintain my weight thanks to jogging in the wee mornings, however that has been made impossible due to work. So now I have to compensate by going back to my old diet. Cluck cluck.


I've been thinking too much of work lately. It's kinda stressing me out. The problem is that everyone seems so nice to me at work lately that I have this sneaking suspicion that things are about to go terribly wrong. I don't want to kid myself thinking that it's all gonna work out because I know by instinct that it won't. Damn recession.

So to be able to compensate, I've been micromanaging things a bit too much. It's somewhat of a strategy considering that my department is in some sort of transition phase and I just can't afford anyone bungling things up. But by doing so, I am stunting the growth of the company, hence less new business to make up for any existing ones that just might collapse because of the financial turmoil that has affected a lot of industries.

Consider my trip to Cebu, for instance. The reason I'm going there is not because there are problems with the regional office, they've been pretty stable for the past months. My purpose for going there is to make it a lot more aggressive in gobbling up market share while the main office here in Luzon is competing to maintain its own piece of the pie. So I'm going there to talk with the staff and interview some potential additions to the sales force which will cover the region. At first I was thinking of activating our new (and at the moment idle) office in Central Luzon, but the potential of the Cebu office is far better so that's where I'm headed.

Hope it works. I'll know in a couple of months I guess.

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