Saturday, May 9, 2009

Sleepless nights are dangerous to your health

Lately I've been getting a lot less sleep than normal. Occurrences of me waking up at 2 in the morning and every hour thereafter is troubling and I'm often sleepy the whole day. It's quite inconvenient, specially since I have to drive an average of an hour to and from the office on the expressway. "Micronaps" are such a hassle when you're moving at 80-90kms per hour in a tin can.

I've been given several theories by people, the most plausible of which are insomnia, fatigue, stress, sleep apnea. My own theory is withdrawal from cigarettes, have been giving some effort to cutting back on smokes. I've been trying to get to the bottom of this inconvenience by figuring out what different things have I been doing at the start of the week, the same period that I've had this trouble. Despite having watched hours and hours of "House, MD", "CSI" and other shows of the investigative nature, I came up with nothing but crap and will just stick to letting things take their natural course.

Still feeling too lazy to see a doctor about it, I guess it isn't that serious. As usual, I only haul ass to the medical professionals when I see blood or really really REALLY feel ill. (really really feel ill is just not enough motivation)

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