Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Car wash blues

Okay I'm sober now. Have been for more than a week. RJ asked me the other night til how long I plan to be sober. I told her for good, though now that I think about it, I guess that would be a tad bit difficult given that I surrounded myself with weekend drinkers. (Including a spattering of alcoholics, I might add)Archie proposes that instead of quitting alcohol altogether, why not try to control it? Well, tried that and it just doesn't work. How does the saying go, 'like a fat kid to a doughnut'?

Truth is, I just don't have too much confidence in my self discipline once I get started. A beer seems innocent enough, but after you've tried it, you just need to have that second bottle. Then you'll want more, of course, and announce that it's your last. Yeah right, you're sure it's your last, after that next bottle. Then your addition skills go bonkers and soon you'd lose count. But who's counting anyway? Now you're a blabbering idiot who just can't stay away from the bottle.

I figure that total abstinence from alcohol is the best approach to this. This way, there's no first step to begin with. Well, hope this works!


It's raining. The humidity here feels like it's in the 300% region. Not much of a problem though it does feel kinda sticky. In contrast with this morning, the sun was a real scorcher. Just lighting a cigarette while in the shade, I could feel the sun's heat boring down on me, weighing me down and forcing me to discard the cigarette halfway through and seek the cool embrace of the air-conditioning.

I remember something my mom always concluded, that the hotter the mornings, the more chances of rain in the afternoon. I've always wondered if there was a science behind it or a mystic force that not everybody understood. Well, today she's proven right once again. Actually, it does happen quite a lot during this time of the year. Guess she's on to something.


Had a massage last night. It was the first time I tried the home service massage that some of my friends have recommended. To tell you the truth, I have no idea if it was good or bad, but I woke up late this morning despite going to bed early, I guess it was quite relaxing.

The masseuse was a petite girl, yet her touch was quite heavy for her size. Guess she's strong or I'm a real wimp. Whatever the case, it did seem to relax me though I had to ask her to ease up a little on certain occasions.

So will I be doing this on a regular basis? Probably not. Despite the convenience, I am not a fan of massages. My idea of a relaxing time is just plopping myself on the sofa with the remote in hand. Of course, there's also a good book or a dvd. Notice physical exertion is absent from this list, unless its....


It's a boring Tuesday, not much going on. Well, there's a lot to do in the office but after my weekly meeting with the bosses, decided to let my mind take the afternoon off while I searched the net for just about anything that comes to mind. I did have to do some work late in the afternoon, though as I had a 4pm appointment with a client. It went well, I think and so here I am at the gas station juicing up my laptop and using their free wi-fi.

Out of boredom, struck up a conversation with a driver who was seated at my favorite table by the power outlet. I found it convenient to befriend the sucker as I could position myself at the only available outlet at the station. He was alright, didn't mind that I heaped my laptop, coffee, food and certain other items on the table while he occupied the smallest of spaces. He just came from Naga City, around 300 or so kilometers away and was resting before making his final push to Manila. He was driving for a couple of med graduates who were reviewing for the board exams. Tomorrow he makes the journey back.

It struck me that with my love of driving to far away places, this could be an alternative career of mine. The only downside is that I have no control over when and where I stop. Not worth it. I love wasting time on the road, and with some backseat drivers pestering me it just wouldn't be any fun.


Am thinking of washing the car tonight. Not necessarily by myself, there are a lot of all day carwash joints in the area which I could choose from. But with the boredom I am currently engulfed in, I might as well have a hand in it.

Unlike car enthusiasts, I find it a bit ironic that while I love driving, I hate washing the car. When I learned how to drive, my dad had this condition that if I wanted to drive, I should wash the car everyday. Well, guess what that did for me in the present. Now I disdain washing the car and find it another of the many forms of torture known to man.

This attitude of mine used to tick off my dad, and now my boss has the same feeling as well. I reason that I simply don't have the time from working and commuting to and from work. She on the other hand, has a driver who takes care of that for her, no fair. Each time she brings automotive hygiene up, I ask for a driver of my own, to which she scoffs and rules it out altogether, thus justifying my laziness.

So why don't I visit the carwash more often if I'm too lazy to do it myself? It costs money, better spent on a cheeseburger or dimsum. And the office doesn't reimburse said amount back to me, another of my little demands which of course merits scoffing at. Okay okay, out of sheer boredom, I'm doing the deed tonight, promise!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wahahahah! SOBER! Strange word coming from you. Let's celebrate and drink to that! :D Kelan ang next inuman.

Just kidding. Hey, if you can control carbohydrates, why not alcohol? It just needs more effort I guess.