Tuesday, July 28, 2009


I love writing. It's one of my favorite things to do. Mind you, this doesn't necessarily mean that I'm a good writer. Lots of people love doing things that they are not really that good at. So I guess this is my thing.

Last weekend I went up to the highlands and thought I'd be able to do some writing there. Unfortunately that wouldn't be the case. Got caught up in things and before I knew it, the weekend was over. Oh snap.

But anyway, it wasn't a total loss. I do love that city, and just having the time to relax and take in that cool mountain air was good enough of a getaway for me. Moving on...


As promised, this blog is mostly about nothing. This is why I am able to get some posts in despite not having anything interesting to write about. I'm sure that most of you readers (all four of you) have grown accustomed to this nasty habit of mine and will inevitably click away from this page as soon as you get to this point. No worries, I will not hold that against you. Even I have trouble justifying why I posted some of the stuff that you will find here. But because of my love of spewing out whatever is in my mind on this screen, you and I will have to bear it, I guess.


Was watching poker on the idiot box last night and suddenly had the urge to get myself onto a poker table. Perfect timing as I will be in the proximity of one in a few days time. This would be the Metro Poker Club in Mandaue City. The fact that it is within spitting distance from our office there makes for a very tempting opportunity.

Yes I have daydreams of winning it all, but the fact that I haven't held cards in my hand for months have tempered my excitement. Plus the fact that the last few games that I did play months ago have left me with a lighter wallet of course adds to my lowered expectations.

Oh great, Poker Face by Lady Gaga is on the radio... how apt.


I realized right about now that my trip to Cebu City comes at a very opportune time. You see, I've no money left on me and the next payday comes in the second day of my business trip. This means that should something happen when I get there, say I get lost and the trip to the city costs more than what I have on me then it's going to be a very long walk. And then starvation sets in, and you will find me eating my shoes. This is the reason that I love my credit cards... the phrase don't leave home without it seems just about right.


And talking about starvation, I could feel my tummy grumbling and realize that I haven't had dinner yet. It's way past the usual dinner time as of this writing, but having been so engrossed in playing scrabble the past hours have put me in this particular situation. Now I guess that I have no choice but to end this particular post in a few minutes and remember to grab a bite. I hope McDonald's is still open...

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