Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Woe is me

My shoes are squeaking. It's giving me a hard time, each time I walk to the pantry, or cross the lobby of a building, it squeaks. It sounds like one of those "squeaker shoes" that parents make their toddlers wear so they'd know where those little monsters are going. I now look left and right while walking, to see if anyone notices or is as irritated as I am. So far (for the past week, anyway) it hasn't seemed to bug anyone, else they're just being polite about it.

The solution, of course, is simple. Get new shoes or have this pair repaired. But these are my only pair of "office shoes", affording me little opportunity to have them fixed up, and I've no money for new ones. So the squeaking continues...


There's this lady seated at the opposite table. She is seated squarely within my line of sight, and is positioned facing perpendicular to my view. Every once in a while she glances at my direction and fixes her outfit, raising her pants and lowering her shirt. I suspect that she thinks I'm intent on staring at that sliver of flesh that lies exposed between these two articles of clothing. I've a mind to tell her frankly that I'm not.

Her constant adjustments, every 5 minutes it seems, is getting to be annoying because it implies some sort of malice on my part. But then who is to be faulted here, me or her? Well, not me since I'm not even interested in checking out that particular part of her anatomy, but her need to fix up her clothes tells me she's irritated at the thought of some amount of possible voyeurism at her expense.

Then why did she wear clothes that she knows won't cover her entire body? And why did she sit smack in front of me when there are 3 more empty tables in the area? No, lady, I don't look. I'm not that bored.


Then there's the table on my right. A group of 5 salespeople, 3 women and 2 men well into their 40's. They've been occupying the space here for the past 3 hours that I've been here, not counting the hours before I came. They have been discussing the same topic for ages, and it's giving me a twitching sensation on my upper lip. I hate how one of them laughs, and specially how the other one finds it necessary to speak loudly for the whole gas station to hear. And their topic? Basically that they are the masters of the universe, that without them the office would come tumbling down under the weight of their other officemates who, from their comments, seem like bumbling idiots.

Normally, I don't like to eavesdrop but it's not like I've any choice. I've been trying to put two coherent thoughts together since opening my laptop but thanks to their boisterous laughter and constant screaming, I've nothing to work with. In frustration, I closed my laptop and started to read, but again it's impossible to concentrate and have had to reread every sentence, every page about three times before I can get what I'm reading.

Don't these guys have somewhere else to go to?


Enough ranting... better get back to being pathetic.

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