Monday, June 15, 2009

Cooling Down

And so this will become the last day of the long weekend getaway, with the morning mango shake hydrating me after drinking hard liquor the whole night, I am less bitter about the Monday coming up ahead. I thought I’d use this time to just relax by the resort while the rest of the people go and make a last minute dash to the island for pictures, surf and generally just getting some fun. Old age maybe?


This trip was actually a plan B, with the Sagada trip mentioned in my previous post something that I really looked forward to. Between the beach and the mountains, I’d have to say that I’m a mountain resort person, the cool breeze and lazy mood generally fitting my personality. But anytime that the beach presents itself is just alright for me as long as there’s no pressure to exert myself. I’m such a lard-ass.


While everyone else was busy gearing up and putting sunblock all over themselves for surfing, they caught me cooped up in the room, playing chess on my computer. It dawned on me that playing chess was the last thing that anyone would want to do on their vacation on the beach, but I didn’t bother to explain to them that I have a score to settle with that darn computer player. Well, a lot of scores, actually and I’ll admit to a lot less than the truth.

I think they’ve caught on to the things that I enjoy while on vacation as no one made any attempt to lure me away from the game. I do get distracted however when “normal” people witness me at my geekiest and so I lost again. Thus my mango shake break before I once again attempt to beat my nemesis.


There’s one thing that I really planned on doing here that I am not able to and that’s to jog. Simple enough with little excuses, but the fact that I left my running shoes at home complicates things to say the least.

Why did I leave my shoes? It started out with a late night drinking spree and me almost being left by my companions. I was still very much drunk asleep by 6:00am which was the cut off time for the trip. I woke up at 6:01am, and frantically checked if I should already start my DVD marathon of Big bang theory’s second season. They were just about to leave, being parked outside my house. They gave me a 5 minute grace period and I had to literally shove stuff into my bag and run like hell out of my apartment. Imagine having to think about what to bring while struggling with a hangover, on auto-pilot, my beach-list mind didn’t include running shoes so here I am.

The only consolation is that I haven’t found a suitable new place to jog in, and would be jogging in the same place I did a few weeks ago in case. Well yeah, whatever.

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